Repurpose, Experience, Taste and Rethink Culture

Date: 2016-03-21


Repurpose, Experience, Taste and Rethink Culture is a one-day event for culture discoverability and knowledge exchange, with focus on creative reuse and crowdsourcing of our cultural heritage. The event aims to generate new perspectives and facilitate the creative re-use of  cultural heritage and associated metadata made available through online digital collections within a framework of creative experimentation and novel dialogue between multidisciplinary sectors, explore the potential of crowdsourcing as a means of promoting increased public participation in core tasks such as collecting, describing, categorizing, or curating heritage collections. The event is talking place at Innovathens, on March 22, 2016. Our own Dimitris Gavrilis is delivering a talk at 12:30 p.m. entitled “Do yo want to find out MORe?”  about enriching data using MORe.




Find out more about this event at:
