Development of NeMO: the NeDiMAH Methods Ontology

Date: 2014-12-15, Original location: URL


nedimahThe ESF Research Network, NeDiMAH, is developing an ontology of digital research methods in the arts and humanities (NeDiMAH Methods Ontology: NeMO), in order to support the classification and understanding of digital humanities research methods. NeMO will provide evidence of the use of digital resources for scholarship to support visibility and sustainability of digital collections and scholarship. It will enable the critical evaluation of digital humanities by providing an evidence base that is transparent; well-­‐documented; reviewable across disciplines, making visible multi-­‐disciplinary, multi-­‐technology initiatives. It will be a means of documenting partnerships across disciplines and organizations, demonstrating the collaborative, scholarly, and human infrastructures of digital humanities, as well as technical infrastructures.

Part of the research development of NeMO is developing the basis of a “knowledge base” of the “content illustrating digital methods use in humanities research”. A series of case studies will feed into this content. The aim of this workshop is to develop some case studies of digital humanities methods and activities that will feed into a detailed working methods analysis exercise. NeMO will be launched in May 2015. The workshop is open to participants who wish to contribute to this important aspect of the ontology development work.
